Wednesday, April 30, 2008

China-town: does color matter?

After finishing the genre film noir I thought in the beginning that it could only work with black and white, but I can't think of any other genre to put Chinatown in; even though its in color. I actually think I like it more. I know your supposed to learn from and appreciate black and white films more in this class, but they really don't do it for me, ya smoke and light can look cool sometimes, but not enough I think to take away from all the good things that color bring to a movie. It's just an opinion but I know that I will always be a color lover. 

1 comment:

Carah C. said...

haha joe interesting post. i do agree that i liked china town more than the other film noirs we watched, but i'm not sure if it was because of the ridiculous plot of kiss me deadly - or the lack of color. but i agree, color does add a little more interest