Monday, February 11, 2008

Critique the critic: Juno

As I read the critique on Juno by Micheal Phillips I finally realized why it was I didn't like the movie until the end. In the beginning of the movie everything just seems so clustered and messed up, and I could think of nothing more than how stupid those two kids were. However as the movies goes on, you almost feel like you gain a relationship with the character; you want the best for her and hope that everythings works out.

He then starts to talk about the role play of the parents of Juno and how they were thrown off by the pregnancy but surprisingly supportive which I couldn't agree with more. Now I know you have to keep the movie somewhat clean but come on you know that they could have done a better job and more realistic job of the parents freaking out than that. Thats not just a conversation that comes up and all of a sudden is okay the next day. Again it's nice that they are so supportive but we all know how our parents would react if something like this were to happen...

Another thing that came up in the article on the movie was the idea of how the movie promoted the anti-abortion theory. I found this very interesting because when I watched the movie I don't remember one time that I never stopped and thought about the whole abortion thing and whether it was right or wr0ng, I was so focused in on the movie and what would happen. Now I wonder to myself if the movie really is trying to promote it or not because it never came to me once! Maybe thats just me being an idiot too....

One thing I do disagree on with Mr. Phillips is he says the movie gives us a sense of relief in a way that if a accident like this were to happen and that there are happy times still if your the 16 year old pregnant teenager. Come on....the thing I probably disliked most about this movie was the lack of stress and anger that ALL the characters showed about the baby. In relief there would be 10X more gossip, 10X more crying, 10X more fighting, well you get the picture.

Overall my final review of the movie would be around an 8. This is around the same score that Michael gave the movie so I would have to agree with most of his critique as well. Again my favorite part of the critique was when he described the movie suddenly all coming together in the end which it did, I couldn't agree more. The one thing I would have to stress to the director however is some more realism to be portrayed in the movie, most of all with the parents reaction to their kids unwanted pregnancy. A well deserved eight of ten again. 
Then, stealthily, everything about the movie starts working together more purposefully. And by the end you’ve fallen in love with the thing.

1 comment:

Mr. K said...


Nice job -- very thoughtful. I'm with you and Phillips -- I didn't like the first 15 minutes at all, but it got better after that. You're right, I think, about the lack of realism. I guess for a lot of people, it was refreshing to see something different.