Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Godfather (1 and 2)

The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola starring Marlon Brando and Al Pacino was one of the most brilliant stories I have ever witnessed on screen. I want to first state that this review is coming from someone who has yes, never seen the Godfather before. Im embarrased that it took me 18 years of my life to finally see it.

The whole story revolves around the main conflict. A rich italian family named the coroloegns. This is not your everyday italian family, they are powerful, wise, and bad. The family has issues with the other family buissnesses and people that want to destroy them for their power. What the first movie did so well is gives you the inside look from a very real life family warfare, but only from one side of the story. It uses the strategdy of cardstacking so well that even though you know what the family is doing is wrong you still feel a sense of closeness to them, so much that you actually feel sympathy for them.

The main characters of the movie are Don coroloegn, the Godfather himself, and his son Micheal coroloegn. These two characters give off a certain bond that makes you think about the true value of family more than any movie out there. You see, the reason Don coroloegn calls himself the Godfather is because he is so powerful people come to him to ask favors, illegal favors that is. Something like this man beat my daughter and was not punished, so I need you to do it for me, and he would send someone to do it. In order to be helped by the godfather you need to be considered family and call him the godfather. Is there a better plot than that?

The setting and themes of the movie are also a great addition. It goes back in fourth between different states and even countries. A lot of it takes place in Nevada where the family lives and also in Sicilia, Italy. The movie does such a great job of switching back and fourth between to completly different settings that you almost forget that your in different places.

The Last thing I want to talk about is the the transition from the first movie to the second. Im usually not a fine of sequels but this was something else. After an amazing plot in the first movie it hits you with an ending that you swore wouldnt happen in the begining the story just gets better. Now I know there s a great reason why these movies won back to back oscars for best picture of the year. The first movie has the amazing plot and story, while the second explains a lot of the things you missed in the first and where everything came from. These movies are movies that should be watched by everyone at some point in time, they show the great respect people have for there family and is just a story that can't be igonred. I cant wait to see the third!

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